Data: 07.06.2023, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie
Sympozjum podsumowujące projekt Kierunek: Ziemia, dotyczyło zagadnienia zmian krajobrazu oraz obrazowania epoki antropocenu. W wydarzeniu brali udział uczestnicy projektu z ASP w Krakowie, instytucji uczestniczących – LHI, NTNU oraz zaproszeni naukowcy. Wydarzenie było otwarte dla studentów oraz pedagogów Akademii Sztuk Pięknych.
Wykłady oraz materiały wizualne zostały zarejestrowane i umieszczone na youtube.
MIEJSCE: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, Wydział Form Przemysłowych, Smoleńsk 9, 31-108 Krakow
9.00 – powitanie
9.10 – 9.30 DIRECTION EARTH – presentation of the project, Michalina Bigaj, Marta Bożyk
9.30 Colour Guides for Urban Development, Kine Angelo, NTNU Trondheim
10.00 Colourful Narratives in an Age of Change, Katrín Ólína, Island University of the Arts, Reykjavik
10.30 – 10.50 przerwa kawowa
10.50 Colour and Memory, Alex Booker, NTNU, Trondheim
11.20 Geography of Colour: Krakow – Trondheim – Reykjavik, Agata Kwiatkowska-Lubańska, Faculty of Industrial Desin, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
11.35 Colour Palettes of Selected Regions of Poland, Zuzanna Karczewska, Filip Klechowski, Aleksandra Wróbel, Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
12.20 – 13.00 przerwa na lunch
13.00 The Therapeutic Role of Art in the Context of Changes in the External and Internal World, Marlena Biczak, Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
13.15 Waves, Mateusz Otręba, Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
13.30 Solarpunk, Oskar Wasiluk, Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
13.45 Somactive Art, Bartłomiej Struzik, Faculty of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
14.00 – 14.20 coffee break
14.20 Fashion in the Anthropocene – Young Designers – a new approach to design, Bożena Groborz, Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
14.35 Anthropocene in Sound Art, Piotr Madej, Faculty of Intermedia, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
14.50 Polish Emerging Media Art in Fields of Antropocene, Katarzyna Zawada, Doctoral School, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
15.05 Materials Used by Selected Visual Artists Dealing with the Subject of the Anthropocene, Aleksandra Olszar, Faculty of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
15.20 Uwagi końcowe i podsumowanie konferencji
Date: 07.06. 2023, Academy of Fine Arts Jan Matejko in Krakow
The symposium summarizing the project Direction: Earth concerned with the issue of landscape changes and the imaging of the Anthropocene epoch. The event attended project participants from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, participating institutions – LHI, NTNU, and invited scientists. It was open to students and teachers of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Lectures and visual materials was recorded and posted on the project website:
VENUE: Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Industrial Design, Smoleńsk 9, 31-108 Krakow
9.00 – conference welcome
9.10 – 9.30 DIRECTION EARTH – presentation of the project, Michalina Bigaj, Marta Bożyk
9.30 Colour Guides for Urban Development, Kine Angelo, NTNU Trondheim
10.00 Colourful Narratives in an Age of Change, Katrín Ólína, Island University of the Arts, Reykjavik
10.30 – 10.50 coffee break
10.50 Colour and Memory, Alex Booker, NTNU, Trondheim
11.20 Geography of Colour: Krakow – Trondheim – Reykjavik, Agata Kwiatkowska-Lubańska, Faculty of Industrial Desin, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
11.35 Colour Palettes of Selected Regions of Poland, Zuzanna Karczewska, Filip Klechowski, Aleksandra Wróbel, Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
12.20 – 13.00 lunch break
13.00 The Therapeutic Role of Art in the Context of Changes in the External and Internal World, Marlena Biczak, Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
13.15 Waves, Mateusz Otręba, Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
13.30 Solarpunk, Oskar Wasiluk, Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
13.45 Somactive Art, Bartłomiej Struzik, Faculty of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
14.00 – 14.20 coffee break
14.20 Fashion in the Anthropocene – Young Designers – a new approach to design, Bożena Groborz, Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
14.35 Anthropocene in Sound Art, Piotr Madej, Faculty of Intermedia, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
14.50 Polish Emerging Media Art in Fields of Antropocene, Katarzyna Zawada, Doctoral School, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
15.05 Materials Used by Selected Visual Artists Dealing with the Subject of the Anthropocene, Aleksandra Olszar, Faculty of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
15.20 Closing remarks and conference conclusion