Data: 01-02.05.2023, Reykjavik
W ramach dwu dniowego sympozujm odbywającego się na Islandii, odbyły się prezentacje poszczególnych twórców/pedagogów z ASP, LHI, studentów, doktorantów oraz spotkania z zaproszonymi gośćmi z Islensk Grafik. Sympozjum pozwoliło poznać wzajemne praktyki artystyczne i pedagogiczne uczestników oraz przeanalizować różne typy postaw względem zagadnienia obrazowania antropocenu.
Wszystkie wystąpienia zostały nagrane i wraz z dokumentacją są dostępne na platformie YouTube:
MIEJSCE: LHI, Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík, Islandia
9.00 powitanie
9.15 From the lost, to the sublime, to the Anthropocene, Jóhannes Dagsson
10.45 Anthropocene in sound art, Piotr Madej
11.00 The therapeutic role of art in the context of changes in the external and internal world, Marlena Biczak
11.20 – 11.50 przerwa kawowa
11.50 Imaging Anthropocene, Michalina Bigaj
12.10 Materials Used by Selected Visual Artists Dealing with the Subject of the Anthropocene, Aleksandra Olszar
12.30 Nature is My Homeland Project, Marta Bożyk
12.50 I have good news for you, Mateusz Otręba
13.15 – 14.00 dyskusja
10.00 powitanie
10.15 Polish Emerging Media Art in Fields of Anthropocene, Katarzyna Zawada
10.35 How the Anthropocene gave birth to the Solarpunk cultural movement, and what impact it has on reality. Examples of Polish and foreign artists, Oskar Wasiluk
10.50 Somactive Art, Bartłomiej Struzik
11.10 – 11.40 przerwa kawowa
11.40 Imaging Anthropocene, Michalina Bigaj
12.10 Colour as Expression of Place Identity, Agata Kwiatkowska-Lubańska
12.30 Podlasie – the least urbanized area in Poland, Zuzanna Karczewska
12.50 Do the Polish dislike colour?, Bożena Groborz
13.15 – 14.00 Uwagi końcowe i podsumowanie sympozjum
Date: 01-02.05.2023,LHI Reykjavik
As part of the two-day symposium held in Iceland, there were presentations of individual artists/educators from the Academy of Fine Arts, LHI, students, Ph.D. students, and meetings with invited guests from Islensk Grafik. The symposium made it possible to learn about the mutual artistic and pedagogical practices of the participants and to analyze various types of attitudes toward the issue of depicting the Anthropocene.
All presentations were recorded and published on YouTube.
VENUE: LHI, Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík, Islandia
DAY 1:
9.00 symposium welcome
9.15 From the lost, to the sublime, to the Anthropocene, Jóhannes Dagsson
10.45 Anthropocene in sound art, Piotr Madej
11.00 The therapeutic role of art in the context of changes in the external and internal world, Marlena Biczak
11.20 – 11.50 coffee break
11.50 Imaging Anthropocene, Michalina Bigaj
12.10 Materials Used by Selected Visual Artists Dealing with the Subject of the Anthropocene, Aleksandra Olszar 12.30 Nature is My Homeland Project, Marta Bożyk
12.50 I have good news for you, Mateusz Otręba
13.15 – 14.00 Discussion
DAY 2:
10.00 symposium welcome
10.15 Polish Emerging Media Art in Fields of Anthropocene, Katarzyna Zawada
10.35 How the Anthropocene gave birth to the Solarpunk cultural movement, and what impact it has on reality. Examples of Polish and foreign artists, Oskar Wasiluk
10.50 Somactive Art, Bartłomiej Struzik
11.10 – 11.40 coffee break
11.40 Imaging Anthropocene, Michalina Bigaj
12.10 Colour as expression of Place Identity, Agata Kwiatkowska-Lubańska 12.30 Podlasie – the least urbanized area in Poland, Zuzanna Karczewska 12.50 Do the Polish dislike colour?, Bożena Groborz
13.15 – 14.00 Closing remarks and symposium conclusion